Development Application Fee Waiver Request

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Fee waiver for development applications are available to community groups, charitable groups, non-government agencies, sporting clubs and service groups who are incorporated and have a genuine reason for a fee waiver.

Please note that it is only fees that are specific to Council that can be waived. State Government fees, referral fees and other ancillary fees that may be required as part of the development application that are not under Council, cannot be waived.

Completion of this form is also not a guarantee of a fee waiver.

Contact Details
Organisation Group * Please identify which organisation group you are making the application for
e.g. secretary, treasurer, president
Development Details
Fee Waiver Reason

Applicants will be informed of the decision within 14 days of Council receiving the form.

If you have any questions please contact Council via email or 8733 0900.