Australia Day Awards

Aust Day Citizen of Year banner

Citizen of the Year | Young Citizen of the Year | Community Event of the Year 
Active Citizenship | Youth Recognition Awards

Individuals and organisations in our community are making a difference everyday. Each year, Council recognises outstanding local contributions by making the following awards available in each Ward:

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Young Citizen of the Year
  • Community Event of the Year
  • Active Citizenship, and
  • Youth Recognition (Five categories)

Council celebrates these contributions by sponsoring local Australia Day events in Beachport, Kalangadoo, Millicent & Penola on Australia Day (26 January). Everyone is invited to attend these free Australia Day breakfasts and the Awards ceremony. Local Lions Clubs help run the events and Council presents the recipients with their awards. Search 'Australia Day' on the events page in late December or January for further details.

Do you know someone who makes our community a better place?

Our community is essential in making the awards successful. Each year Council invites the community to identify and nominate individuals or organisations who have made a difference.

How do I nominate someone?

  • Keep an eye out for when Council advertises the nomination period. It is likely Council will advertise in local newspapers, Council’s Facebook page and Council’s website.
  • Obtain a copy of the nomination form when it becomes available.
  • Complete the nomination form and submit it before the nomination period closes.

When is the nomination period?

Nominations for the Australia Day Awards traditionally open for a period of time in October to November each year. A media release is generally published close to the nomination period to advise the specific dates. Council may also publish the nomination period in local print media, this website and on its Facebook page.

Nominations for the 2025 Australia Day Awards are now open and will be received until 5pm on 13 December 2024.

Where can I get a Nomination Form?

Nomination forms are only available when the nomination period is open. Nominations are likely to require information about who is being nominated, reasons for nominating, who has nominated them and details of a referee.

When the nomination period is open, you can obtain a copy of the form in the following ways:

Completed forms need to be returned to Council before the end of the nomination period. Forms can be returned by:

  • Mail - Wattle Range Council, PO Box 27 MILLICENT SA 5280;
  • Email to
  • In person to Council offices in Millicent, Penola or Beachport.

Who are the previous recipients of the Wattle Range Council Australia Day Awards?

Please refer to the attached list of past recipients - Wattle Range Council Australia Day Award Recipients 1981 onwards

Other Information

Further information is available in Council’s Australia Day Awards Policy(82 kb) or by contacting us on 08 8733 0900.