Media Statement | Beachport Medical Centre

Published 9th February 2023
Council’s CEO, Ben Gower has released a statement providing an update on the occupation of the Beachport Medical Centre.

“Wattle Range Council is actively pursuing the return of medical services to the Beachport community and is currently exploring options with a number of potential service providers.

The lease with the former operator expired in May 2022, but included a ‘Right of Renewal’ provision for a further five year term. After initially indicating their desire to renew the lease, Council was only advised by the former operator on the 14th of December 2022 that they would not be doing so, and that they would be vacating the Council owned building on the 31st of December. The building was formally handed back to Council in early January after a handover inspection was completed on site. The building, fixtures and fittings were all left in very good condition.

Council has subsequently confirmed the terms and conditions for a new lease and authorised the CEO to negotiate with potential service providers for the return of medical services to the Beachport community.  The lease terms and conditions are extremely competitive and have been specifically designed to attract potential operators to continue to provide local medical services to the Beachport community.

High level discussions have been held with a couple of medical service providers, and Council will be running a formal Expression of Interest process to ensure that a fair and transparent selection process is followed. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the Wattle Range Council for further details.”

Ben Gower
Chief Executive Officer, Wattle Range Council

For further information on this statement please contact:

Ben Gower, Chief Executive Officer
Telephone:                (08) 8733 0900